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Category: » UNITED CUTLERY » Survival gear

United Cutlery M48 Silver Kommando Survival Hammer

United Cutlery M48 Silver Kommando Survival Hammer
The perfect companion for hiking and camping, the M48 Silver Kommando Survival Hammer is a beast in the field. It’s great as a walking staff with a 37 3/8” overall length. The cast stainless steel, two-toned black oxide-coated and polished finish head can pound practically anything into submission with ease. The curved back spike is an effective breaching tool and a great defensive alternative to the stout hammerhead. The spike and hammer together make the handle for the fully functional walking cane. The 30 percent fiberglass handle is nearly indestructible, and the hammerhead is attached to it with metal bolts. The shaft includes a rubber toe on the end for improved traction.
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ID: UC3497
Points: 8Product information file at
Total length:95 cm
Weight:1,42 kg
135,00 EUR
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