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Category: » UNITED CUTLERY » Licensed movie props » Lord Of The Rings Movie Props

LOTR Sword of Samwise

LOTR Sword of Samwise
United® Cutlery, industry leader, has meticulously recreated the actual filming prop. The blade was created from stainless steel instead of carbon steel as used on the original prop, in order to guarantee the replica will last a lifetime with little maintenance. The replica was created using the finest grade materials and craftsmanship available. Each replica is laser-serial-numbered on the blade and marked with the appropriate copyrights to ensure authenticity.
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Comments: All reviews below come from consumers who actually purchased the product.
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2021-07-23 18:39:08 [Thor ] Order ID: 65992
Fantastic collection piece! United cutlery is always the best for Lotr prop replicas ...
ID: UC2614
Points: 23Product information file at
Total length:59,7 cm
Blade length:39,4 cm
189,00 EUR
In stock
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United Cutlery LOTR Sword of Samwise, UC2614, United Cutlery, sword, replica, prop, lord of the rings, samwise, fellowship of the ring, two towers, return of the king, hobbit, hobbits, lotr, fantasy,

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