Category: » UNITED CUTLERY » Licensed movie props » Lord Of The Rings Movie Props |
LOTR Hadhafang The Sword of Arwen |
Blade Material: Tempered 420 J2 stainless steel, sharp-edged.
Hand Grip: Wood handgrip adorned with an Elven vine design, solid metal pommel, full-length tang construction.
Display: 15-1/8" x 4-3/8" x 3-1/4" wood, silkscreened Elven design.
Arwen's" sword is called Hadhafang which means Throng-cleaver. It once belonged to the Elven princess Idril, who wed a mortal man and bore Earendil, the father of Elrond who in turn was father to Arwen. Before Arwen's birth Elrond wielded Hadhafang at the end of the second age of "Middle-Earth," during the Last Alliance of Elves and Men in the great battle against Sauron. Later his daughter Arwen used Hadhafang when she aided Frodo in his escape from the Ringwraiths. Inscribed on the blade are runes in the Elven language of Sindarin that say "aen estar Hadhafang i chathol hen, thand arod dan i thang an i arwen." This translates to "this blade is called Hadhafang, a noble defense against the enemy throng for a noble lady."
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This sword is a "must have" if you are a fan of lotr. And it is really a beautie, really fine made sword. And the elven runes on sindarin gives the sword a really nice finish |
Une reproduction vraiment réussi.
Cette forme très originale nous rappelle immédiatement la communauté des Elfes.
D'ailleurs il faut être un Elfe pour la manier.
Nous restons dans le monde de Tolkien.
Merci pour cet envoi.
Amicalement St-Michel ... |
Tags: LOTR, FOTR, TTT, ROTK, lord of the rings, hobbit, tolkien, fellowship of the ring, the two towers, return of the king, lord of the rings swords, Gandalf, bilbo, frodo, aragorn, legolas, gimli, boromir, sam, pippin,