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If you have a website, you can join our Affiliate Program and earn money by promoting any of our products from your site or just put link to our store at your website. Every time you send us a customer from your site, you earn 5% on each completed sale. All sales to this customer during next 3 months also earn 5% for you.
There is many places to put your affiliate link:
website(yours, your brother, sister, friend, etc.)
email footer
forum signature
There is also many places we do not like to put your affiliate link:
any site connected with: sex, drugs, piracy, spam, other illegal activity.
Do not spam others with affiliate links.
Remember about Netiquette using your affiliate link.
Tags: united cultery, knives, swords, collectibles, gil hibben, kit rae, lotr, lord of the rings, fantasy swords, collectible swords,